baby ur a PIECEofWORK, by Ami (DIGITAL)




CW: death, state-sanctioned violence, state-sanctioned murder, state-sanctioned rape, state-sanctioned torture, state-sanctioned racism, state-sanctioned ableism, state-sanctioned queerphobia, state-sanctioned transphobia, state-sanctioned white, supremacy, state-sanctioned patriarchy, genocide, colonization, police, abortion, blood, gore graphic violence, suicidal ideation, profanity, explicit sexual content, sexual language, george washington’s dick, america

“The design of this system grows more blatant with each disaster it swings our way. and that’s why i must insist that art will save us. poetry will save us. a movement without art, the sentiments it evokes, and the personal and collective truths it reveals, is a movement incomplete. art is not a novelty; it’s a necessity. and yes, this book is going to be raw. that’s fine. i’m not going to edit out the rawness or the grit. i’m not going to edit out the passion or the moment in time. i’m not going to succumb to this white classist patriarchal cisnormative heteronormative ablelist colonist narrative that books must be perfect, pretty, and polished to be worthwhile. this is how they gatekeep us. this is how they fuck us right up, keep us out, and keep us silenced.” Excerpt from Preface (baby ur a PIECEofWORK, 2022), Ami

Release Date: July 4th, 2022

Page Count: 22

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© 2022 baby ur a PIECEofWORK.

by Ami J. Sanghvi and Gutslut Press.

Interior Content by Ami.
Cover and Interior Design by Ami.

First Edition: July 2022.

Published in the United States by Gutslut Press.


CW: death, state-sanctioned violence, state-sanctioned murder, state-sanctioned rape, state-sanctioned torture, state-sanctioned racism, state-sanctioned ableism, state-sanctioned queerphobia, state-sanctioned transphobia, state-sanctioned white, supremacy, state-sanctioned patriarchy, genocide, colonization, police, abortion, blood, gore graphic violence, suicidal ideation, profanity, explicit sexual content, sexual language, george washington’s dick, america

beautylaw school dropout hyperpulp nylon what the even fuck

death to similes death to similes there is no room for almost anymore

for similar to it either is or it isn’t and i don’t g ive a fuck about the rest

and so there I am pledging my allegiance to genocide and colonization cause my kindergarten teacher would’ve tried to get me expelled if i didn’t because she was white and stern and from alabama and i always felt like she liked me  and the korean kid the least and it took me another decade to learn what that means my dripping brown enby bitch cunt drenched and slick with a lubricant of lincoln’s lies up and down up and down and up again his monument’s sex toy i spread my legs and pour anguish onto his stone lap glance down to see that india ink and desert-desert-hot-dry[blood] pooling into his creases what a stupid fucking man i think to myself shoving my tiny hands against the mess and spreading it smearing misplaced mirth and exhausted truths all over his suited chest sick-lipped lips and cock french kissing is hot but stupid i tell him abrupt in my declaration if i’m going to tongue another shove pale pink membrane up against pale pink membrane partake in a shared dance of micro-mouth sex and passionate deviance bold and brave and uncaring in its spittage then i’m sure as fuck not going to call it french nor consider it french they can have their stupid fucking baguettes and their goddamn fallen notre dame and the bees that survived can all sit merrily beneath our tongues as we sweep love into the throats of one another one another one another but then again that’s nothing lincoln would understand even dead and marblized he’s raping me raw and ragged and i don’t even know it the coercion and delusion with which i was brought to him felt like home the way this twisted place always has and hasn’t how is this home when i cannot eat a single roti in peace on the streets without worrying about being gunned down and shot left in a porous heap to be raped to eternal rot i cannot even become one with the earth where pavement is present concrete crucifix a crossroads these white bodies and minds their artistry is relentless their art is industrialization and oppression economy aside this entire nation is one big depression how is it that we are not welcomed upon this soil on which we stand on which we know better than our hands themselves and yet we are only indoctrinated truly when we are one with the earth buried beneath it or upon it in a tomb of air and CNN cameras our bones the white man’s jagged carnivorous teeth the white woman’s uncaring unforgiving corset a weapon in its silky-soft self”

Excerpt from baby ur a PIECEofWORK, 2022 (Ami) 

For more information on the author, or to find more of their work, follow them on Twitter and Instagram (@HotWraithBones) or check out

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